Welcome to EwayShopping Lists FAQs
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What are Shopping Lists?

Shopping Lists contain items that have been selected by you or your account administrator to enhance your shopping experience. For instance, you may choose to build a Shopping List of items that you order on a regular basis to eliminate the need to search for the items the next time you order. Your account administrator may build a Shopping List to help you find items that are required or recommended.

Shopping Lists that you create and manage are called Personal Shopping Lists. Those managed by your account administrator are referred to as Global Shopping Lists and are usually shared across your entire account. You can purchase items from these lists, however you will not have access to make changes to the list.

How do I view/edit my Shopping Lists? Can I print a Shopping List?

You can access a Shopping List you or your account administrator has built, one of two ways:

While shopping in E-Way,

  1. You will see a Shopping Lists tool available on the left side of the screen. If not already expanded, click on the Shopping Lists header to reveal your available options.
  2. Select the list you would like to view or edit from the drop-down menu. This will take you directly to the list you select.
  3. Or, if you would like to view a list of all your Shopping Lists click on the View All Lists > link.

From any screen in E-Way,

  1. Go to Account Tools at the top of the screen and select Shopping Lists from the drop-down menu. This will take you to the Your Saved Shopping Lists page.
  2. Scan the list of Shopping Lists available to you and locate the list you would like to view.
  3. Click on the name of the Shopping List to view and edit the list.

To print a shopping list from the list itself simply click on the Printable View link below the main navigation bar along the top. You can also print a shopping list from the Your Saved Shopping Lists page by clicking on the printer icon next to the Shopping List name. Either method will open the Shopping List Summary in a new window. Just click the Print button to print this page.

How do I create a Shopping List?

You can create a list one of two ways:
While shopping in E-Way,

  1. You will see a Shopping Lists tool available on the left side of the screen. If not already expanded, click on the Shopping Lists header to reveal your available options.
  2. Click on the Create a New List > link.
  3. Enter the new List Name in the field and click the Create Shopping List button.
  4. You can now add items to your new list from the item listing or from the item detail page.

From any screen in E-Way,

  1. Go to Account Tools at the top of the screen and select Shopping Lists from the drop-down menu. This will take you to the List of Shopping Lists page.
  2. Click on the Create New List button.
How do I add an item to a Shopping List?

You can add an item to a Shopping List anywhere you see the Add to List drop down. This includes all item listing pages, the item detail pages and even the item comparison page. Just enter the quantity in the Qty box and select the Shopping List from the drop-down you wish to add the item to.

You can also copy items from existing Shopping Lists to other lists using the Copy Selected to drop down available on the Shopping List page. Just select the item(s) you wish to copy, select the list you wish to copy them to and click the Copy button.

How do I add items from my Shopping List to my Shopping Cart?

To add an item to the Shopping Cart from your Shopping List, simply enter the quantity you wish to order in the Qty box and click the Add to Cart button.

To add multiple items to your cart at once click the checkbox next to the items you wish to order, then click on the Copy Selected to drop down list, select <Active Cart> and click the Copy button.

How do I order from a Shopping List?

You can not place an order directly from your Shopping List. To place an order you must first place the items you wish to order in your Shopping Cart then proceed with the Checkout process.

What is a Global Shopping List?

Shopping Lists managed by your account administrator are referred to as Global Shopping Lists and are usually shared across your entire account. You can purchase items from these lists, however you will not have access to make changes to the list.

Shopping Lists that you create and manage are called Personal Shopping Lists.

Why are items missing from my Shopping List?

Occasionally items are discontinued, either by the manufacturer or by Corporate Express. The item will automatically be removed from your shopping list should it become permanently unavailable.

Can I order everything on my Shopping List at once?

Yes. To order all items on your list click the checkbox next to Select All. Now click on the Copy Selected to drop down list, select Active Cart and click the Copy button.